NYMPHENBURG is the porcelain manufactory of the Bavarian royal family. Since its foundation in 1747, the fine art of porcelain production has been cultivated in Nymphenburg. Manu Factum here means to this day: made entirely by hand using techniques that are passed down and preserved from generation to generation. This is the only way to guarantee the unmatched finesse, sophistication and brilliance of the porcelain on which Nymphenburg's global reputation is based. The manufactory's master workshops produce style-defining and custom-made designs from four centuries, ahead of their time - designed to this day by the most renowned artists, architects and designers.
In addition to tradition and craftsmanship, sustainability determines everyday life at Nymphenburg, for example thanks to the use of hydropower, which drives the historic grinding drums, or through the use of natural raw materials from the EU. During production, processing and shaping are 100 percent CO2-neutral and by using the latest firing technology, we have been able to significantly reduce emissions when firing our porcelain.

Your requirements profile:
- Trained ceramicist
- Experienced porcelain turner
- Independent work
- Precise work
- team player
- Willing to learn
- High ability to concentrate

Your area of ​​responsibility:
- free turning
- Turning
- Overturning and screwing in plaster molds
- Garnishing and finishing of porcelain blanks
- Cutting out baskets, vases and plates
- Follow-up inspection of your own products
- Making your own tools
- Making stencils

Our traditional medium-sized company offers regular tours. This gives you the opportunity to enter into a dialogue with the customer and to demonstrate and explain your craft.
We offer you an exciting full-time position (40 hours/week) in a unique porcelain factory. If you are interested in the varied tasks, we look forward to receiving your application.

Please send this with complete documentation to:

Best regards,
Hanna Kiethe